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Legal liability


The aim of his website is to provide accurate information. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, we accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site which is:

  • not necessarily comprehensive, complete, or up to date;
  • sometimes linked to external sites over which we have no control and for which we assume no responsibility;
  • not professional or legal advice.

Furthermore, it cannot be guaranteed that a document available on-line exactly reproduces an officially adopted text. It is our goal to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However, some data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our site is not affected by such problems. Eu.watercenter accepts no responsibility with regard to problems occurring as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.

Reproduction and copyright notice
The software products and information content, unless otherwise indicated, may be downloaded or used for all non-commercial uses, quoting the source.
For commercial use, it is permitted to use, copy and distribute documents and related images available on this site prior written permission.
Copyright notices, e.g. ©eu.watercenter, and authors, where indicated, or the source itself must be in all cases cited in publications and documents produced and disseminated in any form.

Use of eu.watercenter logo and symbols by third parties
Any natural or legal person (“third party user”) may use the eu.watercenter logo and symbols or any of their elements available on this site only prior written permission. In any case, such permission is valid as long as this use:

  • does not create the impression or assumption that there is a connection between the third party user and any of the eu.watercenter member parties where this connection does not exist;
  • does not lead to believe that the user benefits from the support, sponsorship, approval or consent of any of the eu.watercenter member parties where this is not the case;
  • is not made in connection with any objective or activity which is incompatible with the aims and principles of the eu.watercenter mission, or is otherwise unlawful.

Registration of the logo, or an imitation thereof, as a trade mark or as any other IP right, is not acceptable.