Francesco Puma
a new eu.watercenter member

New challenges for the ceased General Secretary of the Basin Authority of the Po River District
At the eu.watercenter assembly of August 30, 2017, Dr Francesco Puma joined the University’s Water Center.
An admission, in this case for clear fame, in a University Center attended by public and private entities, pursuant to art. 6 of the Regulations.
Dr. Francesco Puma, 66, who has just completed his mandate as secretary general at the Basin Authority of the Po River District, and who personally spent on the birth of the University’s Water Center, was welcomed with an applause by the Commission.
Francesco Puma will coordinate the postgraduate course on Climate Change which will begin on 20 October 2017.
Info: eu.watercenter University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 93A
43124 Parma, Tel +39 0521 906550, email
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